The San Juan - Chama Watershed Partnership is a partnership of local, county, state, tribal, and federal agencies; non-government organizations; and local individuals that come together to support a watershed for a healthy ecosystem, a vibrant economy, and sustainable communities for the people who live and depend on this watershed.
Our Mission
The mission of the San Juan - Chama Watershed Partnership is to protect and enhance the watershed health and water supply conditions of the Rio Chama from headwaters to the confluence of the Rio Grande, and the tributaries (Navajo River, Little Navajo River, and Rio Blanco) that contribute to the New Mexico Bureau of Reclamation’s San Juan – Chama Diversion Project.
Our Goals
Sponsor efforts to achieve collaboration across a spectrum of community members, business owners, and land managers.
Encourage and participate in effective outreach to reach potential and active participants that represent diversity geographically, institutionally, economically, and socially.
Prepare for, raise awareness of, plan for, and take actions that, on a landscape level, promote sustainability of resources that honors and sustains economic, ecological and social systems.
Enhance regional economic viability and use of forest products.
Tour details and times are coming soon! Please check back and register when the information is available! Thank you!
Thanks to Quivira Coalition and Renea Roberts, we will be showing episode 1 of “Thinking Like Water” a thought-provoking film series that will make you want to step outside and start working on the land!