Rio Chama Congreso
Infrastructure Challenges on the Rio Chama
On Saturday, February 23, local citizens and representatives of the New Mexico Interstate Stream Commission, the US Bureau of Reclamation, the Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District, and the US Forest Service will be among those on hand for the 4 th Annual Chama Watershed Congreso, at Ghost Ranch Retreat Center, in Abiquiu. “Infrastructure Challenges on the Rio Chama” is the theme of this free, day-long conference.
The congreso concept is that collaborative decision-making can combine local knowledge with scientific management to sustain indigenous cultures, provide educational and economic opportunity for young residents and protect our resources. Last years event focused "Fire and Water - Building Resilience on Our Landscape".
Sponsored by the San Juan-Chama Watershed Partnership, a consortium that includes Chama Peak Land Alliance, Rio Grande Restoration, RiverSource, NM State Forestry, and the US Bureau of Reclamation, the Chama Congreso is an effort to empower ordinary citizens with both knowledge about natural resource management and access to federal and state agencies, which the Partnership believe could benefit by understanding local values and concerns.
You are invited to participate! Together with students and other citizens, agencies (US Forest Service, Bureau of Reclamation, New Mexico State Engineer) and non-governmental organizations (Rio Grande Water Fund, Chama Peak Land Alliance, Rio Grande Restoration, and others) help to decide how to best address our water and land management challenges in the Chama Basin.
The Rio Chama watershed faces numerous infrastructure challenges and Panels will discuss acequia irrigation infrastructure and river channel rehabilitation below Abiquiu Dam and the Reclamation’s Corrective Action Study of the El Vado Dam. Additional topics for discussion are: the 2019 water supply and fire season forecasts, regional watershed science education programs, and post-wildfire planning initiatives throughout the State.
Please SHARE this invitation and if you find others in your community or agency are also interested, by all means urge them to register. There is no charge to participate.
Thank you for your interest and we look forward to seeing you at the event.
Presentor Resources